The Newars in Sikkim : A Perspective - Some Reflections Celebrating Life Milepost #1 Jankwa Bhimaratharohan Rajiva Shanker Shresta ISBN 978-81-896020-17-8 Pb 2023 Rs. 499/- pp 262+x+8 Profusely illustrated The Third and Final Part of the Trilogy on the Newars in Sikkim Highlight of this book is the chapter 'Milestones' of events since February 10,1817 in 38 pages and 'The Newa: in Sikkim 2004 - A Survey'
Sikkim - Our Newfound Home in the Black Hill ~ Newars Here and There Commemorating the World Newah Day 2018 Nepal Rajiva Shanker Shresta Foreword by Keshab C. Pradhan, former Chief Secretary Government of Sikkim and Chairman, Central Advisory Committee, Sikkim Newar Guthi ISBN 978-81-89602- 08-6 Pb 2018 Rs. 499/- pp 228+xvi+8 in colour Includes The World Newah Day 2018 Nepal Declaration & A Word of Appreciation from the WNO President.
The Newars World~Wide - Connecting the Dots : Sikkim Commemorating 150 Years of the Newars in Sikkim (1867-2016) Rajiva Shanker Shresta ISBN 978-81-89602-06-2 Pb 2016 Rs. 499/- Foreword by Keshab C. Pradhan, former Chief Secretary Government of Sikkim and Chairman, Central Advisory Committee, Sikkim Newar Guthi Book Preview held at Rachna Books, Gangtok, Sikkim, India Book Launch during the Second World Newah Organization Convention at Baltimore USA 2016 followed by Release at the Asha Safu Kuthi, Kathmandu, Nepal Also included in The Library of Congress, Washington D. C. U.S.A.
शरद् छेत्री स्मृतिग्रन्थ Sharad Chettri Smritigranth to mark the 11th Death Anniversary of our Founder/Father Jai Shanker Lall Shresta Concept, compilation and presentation Rajiva Shanker Shresta ISBN 978-81-89602-05-5 Pb 2013 Rs. 300/- Released on his 66th Birth Anniversary 20 June 2013 in a solemn function held at the Nepali Sahitya Sammelan, Darjeeling In Tribute to litterateur friend who gave 32 books and his last on his last Birthday a fortnight before he breathed his last. हिमाली धरोहर श्रंङ्खला - ४ अन्तर्गत् साहित्यिक नक्षत्र अनि उनका उत्कृष्ट कृति हाम्रा अमूल्य निधि हुन् तथा तीबारे शोध-अध्ययन सामग्री संरक्षण नै हो यो तुच्छ प्रयास
उदय चन्द प्रधानप्रति श्रद्धाञ्जलि Udaichand Pradhanprati Shraddhanjali Concept & Collection Rajiva Shanker Shresta Pb 2012 ISBN 987-81-89602-4-8 pp 14+54 Limited Edition for Private Circulation only Un-priced Released on 31 May 2012 in Darjeeling A Tribute to Sunita and Udaichand Pradhan to commemorate 45 days of their sad demise. यो कुनै जीवनी नभएर "सँगै बाँचौं - सँगै मरौं" भन्ने वाचालाई चरितार्थ गर्ने ती युगललाई स्नेह र माया अनि आदर र सम्मानसाथ श्रद्धाका केही फूलस्वरूप परिवारबाट न्यानो सम्झनालाई साँचेर र सँगालेर राख्ने एक प्रयास मात्र हो l
Teach Yourself Newar Newah Bhaye Learner (A Guide to learn the Language of Newars) Specially Prepared for Beginners Daya R. Dhakya Editor Newah Vijnana - The Journal of Newar Studies ISBN 978-81-89602-02-4 pp 8+56 CD ISBN 978-81-89602-03-12011 Rs. 200/- NRS. 250/- US$ 10/-
Released on the New Year's Day 2011 by Padma Ratna Tuladhar in the Shankhdhar Sirpa Award Giving Ceremony at Madhyapur Thimi Nagadesh Nepal in the presence of dignitaries like Laxman Rajbanshi, Dr. Pushpa Raj Rajkarnikar, Chhatra Bahadur Kayastha, Jagdish Chandra Regmi, Manoj Newa: Khadgi, Ganesh Ram Lachhi and others
Newar: Haami Yastain Chhaun Editor Rajiva Shanker Shresta Pb 2010 ISBN 978-81-89602-01-7 pp 10+140+4 Rs.200/- Released in the 9th Convention of the Newah Organization of America Apart from the scholarly works on "The Newars - the Indigenous Population of the Kathmandu Valley in the Modern State of Nepal " and "Ritual and Identity in the Diaspora : The Newars in Sikkim" by Dr. Bal Gopal Shrestha presently in the Oxford University UK to work on '"The Nepalese Diaspora in the United Kingdom and Belgium" and others, contemporary issues that grasp and grapple the Newars has been dealt with that make the latest by the Sikkim-based ex-bureaucrat writer an interesting must-read.
Based on the research done on his life and works by scholars like Narmaya Dangal, Basudev Pulami, Bhanu Chettri, Sukraj Diyali and Kedar Gurung, it gives an account of the journey made by the writer contributing to the Nepali literary world over the past six decades.
Dhumil Prishthaharu: Anusandhanatmak Granth Evolution of Indian Nepali Literature Gupta Pradhan Hb 2006 ISBN 81-901374-00-4
Helped by this Guthi in completing the work of research that stretched over two decades on the Evolution of the Indian Nepali Literature with rendition of the chart how the alphabet was once taught and some of the archival matters in print from the era gone by reproduced in the book make it worth treasure.
Sikkim: Three Decades Towards Democracy Evolution of Legislative System R. S. Shresta, IAS Hb 2005 ISBN 81-901374-6-8
A tribute on its thirty years, the only source of information from the days before and gradually through events that led to Sikkim becoming the 22nd State of India, that make the book find a place in many universities the world over.
What is a Heritage and what could and should be done to conserve it - taken up at right perspective for the benefit of people as a citizen one should know and contribute to the cause - is the purpose behind this publication to support the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage.
Considering the need to pass on the message and impart the people the knowledge, Heritage Conservation is presented translated into Nepali.
Motivation: Skills & Techniques T S Stephen - a co-publication with PDC-Network, Bhubaneswar Orissa Pb 2005 ISBN 81-901374-9-2 pp26+6+4Pb Rs.25/-
This is just to help motivate yourself before motivating others that make possible to bring in the peace and prosperity in the family, society, town, state and the country - rather the world.
Report of a Mission to Sikkim and the Tibetan Frontier Hb 2005 ISBN 81-901374- pp Rs.225/-
This is just to help motivate yourself before motivating others that make possible to bring in the peace and prosperity in the family, society, town, state and the country - rather the world.
Rachna Katha Anushthan 2005 Editors Subhash Deepak and Dr. Gopal Prasad Dahal Pb 2005 ISBN 81-901374- Rs.75/- A collection of contemporary award-winning stories from the Sikkim Himalayas based on the Story-writing Competition held to mark the Silver Jubilee of Rachna Books and Publications. Adjudged by a panel of renowned writers of the Nepali literary world at four different stages in Gangtok and Darjeeling to finally decide the winners that make us know and understand the current trend.
Project Report on Simultaneous Machine Translation of Indian Languages (Hindi to Nepali) – Rachna Shresta & Ritu Kalra Pb 2005 ISBN 81-901374-1-7
A very promising effort but remained in the Report only as the matter left to itself so far.
Jaiwik Vikasko Goreto : Grameen Proudyogiki - Kam Dam Dher Gyanka Satheek Sujhauharu Editor Rajiva Shanker Shresta IAS Pb ISBN 81-901374-5-X
In quick response and support to the Government announcement to make Sikkim an Organic State, this edition was brought out that too became popular with farmers in Sikkim and in neighbouring Darjeeling.
Shraddhanjali : Jai Shanker Lall Shresta (26 January 1917-22 June 2003) Editor Rajiva Shanker Shresta IAS Pb 2003 dedicated on 45th day of his departure
A compilation of articles in tribute written by his students, friends and relatives with a family-tree tracing out the ancestors besides photographs of his being honoured in Sahasrachandradarshanam/Maharatharohan/Jankwa at Rhenock where he served as 'Head Sir' making it his new home.
Vikasko Goreto:Grammen PoudyogikiKam Dam Dher Gyanka Sathhek Sujhauharu Editor Rajiva Shanker Shresta IAS Pb ISBN 81-901374-1-7 H ISBN 81-901374-0-9 Deluxe & CD-Rom 2001 ISBN 81-901374-2-5
Tried, tested and proven popular low cost high gain simple rural technologies compiled from the country and beyond and presented translated into Nepali for the benefit of the common farmers that brought a token grant from ICIMOD. The first ever book on the subject that is popular here and in Darjeeling and Nepal as well.
Newa: Varna Lipi ra Bhasha Parichaya Ranjana Shresta & Rajiva Shanker Shresta IAS, M.Sc. Revised Modified Enlarged Second Edition Pb 2001 ISBN 81-901374-4-1 pp 16+48
To thank the Government for making the Newar a State language and to make people know and learn how rich is our alphabet, script and language beside the culture and heritage. Readily accepted all over, the book was popular in Nepal as well as it was the first to cater to the needs of the time passing through! Second edition with print order of 3000 copies in colored cover widely circulated.
Bhaju Jai Shanker Lal Shresta ko Sahashrachandra Darshanam ra Maharatharohan ko Shubhaparva Smarika Pb 2000 pp 8+32 Pb For Private Circulation only
A Souvenir to commemorate Sahsrachandradarshanam, Maharatharohan or Jankwa, i.e. sighting of 1000 full moon on completion of 83 years 4 months of the founder father's life celebrated for over three days when people from Nepal joined making it a memorable social event for times to come
Newa: Sanskritik Karyakram Jhaanki Golden Jubilee of India's Independence Multicolour wall calendar 1998
Made the first ever successful event by Sikkim Newa: Guthi in association with Nepal Bhasha Manka Khala: memorable for ever.
To thank the Government for making the Newar a State language and to make people know and learn how rich is our alphabet, script and language beside the culture and heritage. Readily accepted all over, the book was popular in Nepal as well as it was the first to cater to the needs of the time passing through!
Greetings 1996 – pocket almanac in English, Newa:, Nepali, Hindi and Tibetan
A pocket almanac with quotations that motivated people and us too to build up fund to help launch and register Karuna Devi Smarak Dharmarth Guthi in 1997.
Reach! Motivation gets you moving, determination keeps you going.