Feedback Thank you all! It helps us a lot to dedicate more with every word.
मन्तव्य / OPINIONS सिक्किममा इन्द्रजात्रा र नेवार भाषा Indrajatra and the Newars in Sikkim -०-
The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual. Vincent T Lombardi
‘शरद् छेत्री स्मृतिग्रन्थ’ केही मन्तव्य
"प्राप्ति-स्वीकार प्रकाशक राजीव शंकर श्रेष्ठ द्वारा करुणा देवी स्मारक धर्मार्थ गुठी सिक्किम बाट शरद छेत्री स्मृति ग्रन्थ प्रकाशित गरेर राजीव श्रेष्ठ ज्यूले नेपाली साहित्यमा एउटा इतिहास रचि दिएका छन् | सरस्वतीका वरद पुत्र अमर कवि कलाकार शरद् छेत्री ज्यूको 'स्मृति ग्रन्थ' द्वारा | हुनत यस्तो महान काम पहिले दार्जीलिङबाट हुनु पर्नेमा सिक्किम बाट हुन गएकोमा राजीव शंकर श्रेष्ठ पनि साहित्य र समाजमा भिजेकै व्यक्तित्व भएका व्यक्ति हुन मान्नै पर्छ | यस्ता काम उहाँबाट आगामी दिनहरुमा पनि भै रहने छ ... आशा राखौं |" - के.बी.नेपाली, सम्पादक 'बिन्दु',नेपाली साहित्यिक पत्रिका सिक्किम विशेषाङ्क वर्ष ४२ अंक १२४-१२५ अक्टुबर २०१३ - मार्च २०१४
“करुणा देवी स्मारक धर्मार्थ गुठी, गान्तोक, सिक्किमको पक्षमा श्री राजीव शङ्कर श्रेष्ठले अमर स्रष्टा शरद् छेत्रीका सम्बन्धमा प्रकाशित गर्नुभएको ‘शरद् छेत्री स्मृतिग्रन्थ’ समस्त साहित्य सर्जकहरुका लागि एक प्रेरक कार्य भएको छ| बहुविधाका स्रष्टा शरद् छेत्रीप्रतिको साँचो श्रद्धाञ्जलि भएको छ| यस्तो अनुकरणीय कार्यका लागि ‘गुठी’लाई जति नै जय! जय!! गरे पनि कम्ति नै होला|”
- डा.जस योञ्जन ‘प्यासी’
अभूतपूर्व यस समारोहका लागि श्रद्धेय राजीव शङ्कर श्रेष्ठज्यूलाई बधाई| तपाईंले शरद् छेत्रीज्यूको वास्तविक स्मारक खडा गरिदिनुभएको छ| इतिहासले समयमा यसको निर्माण गर्ला|
- डा. जीवन नामदुंग
यति ठुलो विषय छोटो समयभित्र पनि संक्षिप्त रूपमा खुबै सफल भएको अनुभव गर्दछु| शरद् छेत्रीज्यूलाई आधारको मान्यता दिएर नेपाली साहित्यको अझ विस्तार गर्ने योजना भविष्यमा राख्न सकिन्छ|
- डा. जी. एस. योन्जन
श्री राजीव शङ्कर श्रेष्ठज्यूको पूर्खालु आत्मा-गुठी स्वरूप संचालन गर्दै धेरै महत्वपूर्ण ग्रन्थहरु प्रकाश गर्ने ठुलो माध्यम ‘करुणा देवी स्मारक धर्मार्थ गुठी’मार्फत् पुन: दिवङ्गत महान् साहित्यकार श्री शरद् छेत्रीको स्मृतिग्रन्थ पनि प्रकाश गरिदिनुभ एर एउटा प्रकाशले निभाउनु पर्ने र सक्ने ठुलो काम गर्नुभएको छ| यसर्थ पुण्यात्मा गुठी तर्फ एवं स्मृति व्यक्तित्व तर्फबाट धन्यवाद टक्र्याउँदछु|
- केदार गुरुंग
नेपाली साहित्यको युग पुरुष शरद् छेत्रीज्यूको६६ औँ जन्म जयन्तीको अवसरमा यस साहित्यिक समागम ले साह्रै मर्मस्पर्शी छाप छाडेको छ, उहाँको स्मृतिमा प्रकाशित गरेर नेपाली साहित्य भण्डार मात्रै नभएर सम्पूर्ण भाषाकै साहित्य अनि साहित्यकारहरुको निम्ति एउटा उदाहरण भयेर गएको छ| भविष्यमा शरद्ज्यू को साहित्यले विश्वमा आफ्नो योगदान दिनेछ|
- ओम् नारायण गुप्त ----- From our Archive
"सिक्किममा यहाँले गर्नुभएको सहयोगका लागि हामी अनुग्रहित छौं।..."
अमर गुरुङ, परियोजना निर्देशक मदन पुरस्कार पुस्तकालय ललितपुर नेपाल २०६३/०८/१७ (2 December 2006) ----- "आगामी वसन्त पञ्चमी (माघ महिना) देखि हामीले 'शारदा' को नवाङ्क प्रकाशन सिलसिलामा यसका लागि तपाईबाट लेख-रचना को अपेक्षा गरेका छौं।"
नरेन्द्र बहादुर श्रेष्ठ प्रधान सम्पादक २०६३ (4 December 2006)
On Indra Jatra / Kumari Jatra 1131 NS 2011 with Bakhan Daboo
Subhaaye for the recent update on Dharmartha Guthi and Indra Jatra Celebration we wish success of the program. In the mean time it is a matter of immense pleasure to inform you all that preparation of the First WNO convention in London is in full swing. Please accept our invitation to the convention and establish communication by responding to this mail for further exchange of information. We are seeking local Newah sangha sansatha report and greetings to publish in GUTHI special WNO issue. We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you
Daya R. Shakya 12 Sep 2011 For WNO Portland Oregon USA -----
It is great.. Bhagya hai:) With luv,
Bhushan Shrestha 12 Sep 2011 Piscastaway, New Jersey USA ----- I am very grateful to you for kindly copying me the informative string containing an update on your Guthi's activities and Yemyaa.
I will certainly visit your web page. and let you know how I find it.
Best wishes,
Sincerely, Kamal P. Malla 13 Sep 2011 Georgia USA ----- Apalam subhay for your note. Great to know that you are enjoying Bakha Dabu in Gangtok. And assume you also are enjoying the Yemya festival in Gangtok. Days are numbered but dong best to make it fruitful. Hope everything is well with didi and yourself. With warm greetings to you all from Nepal,
Bal Gopal Shrestha 13 Sep 2011 Kathmandu, Nepal ----- .... thank you very much Dai for this glorious news. I hope to hear more of such events in the days to come.
With best regards also to Ranjana bhauju,
Respectfully yours, Maheswor Shrestha 14 Sep 2011 Lalitpur, Nepal ----- We have just arrived Kathmandu (2 hours ago), and it was so nice to see your email. Thank you very much for your kind hospitality to us during our stay at Gangtok.
Sincerely, Sarbottam Shrestha 15 Sep 2011 Kathmandu, Nepal ----- We would like to congratulate you and all the Newars from Sikkim on successfully organizing the Indra Jatra festival in Sikkim. The Newah people from Sikkim has shown the Newah solidarity again. We, Nepalmandal Foundation ( team), are proud to participate in your celebration as a media partner (thanks to our reporter Gyan Maharjan, who managed time to visit Sikkim). A lot web visitors around the world enjoyed the news, pictures and audio new updates on community web portal. Many visitors liked the live update of Bakhan Daboo program.
We will also be producing some videos from the Sikkim Programs.
We'd love to work together in future too for betterment of the community.
Thank you very much.
I remain, Subhash Ram 15 Sep 2011 for Nepalmandal Foundation cc to us ----- Good to know that you had nice meeting with Laxman Rajvamsi ju. I regret that I failed sending copies of English translation of Srlaxmi's Nepalbhasa short stories which Laxman Rajvamsi ju launched at a function in Sankhu a few weeks back. Attached is the cover of the book. Her short poems Santiya Santi in Nepalbhasa was also released at the same program.
I assume you too are planning to be at WNO first convention in London.
With warm regards,
Bal Gopal Shrestha 15 Sep 2011 Kathmandu, Nepal -----
On Newah Vijnana and the Person behind it
It was gratifying to read your personal essay on NV and the man behind it.
Congratulations, for this intimate piece!
Reading it I came to learn more about the journal and its editor's efforts in various fields, including Linguistics. I was, of course, familiar with some of his published work, including his Masters thesis and recent papers. What I liked about your essay is that it is about you and your social/family background as well as about the scope or the territory the journal covered in the last fourteen years.
Editing and publishing an academic journal on a limited specialization (such as Newar studies) is no small achievement, particularly in the USA where the standards as well as competition are both too high, certainly higher than in our part of the world.
As a well-wisher hoping for the continuity of the publication, I have some queries.
As I have some familiarity with the academic publishing (as Editor of TU Journal, Contributions to Nepalese Studies, and Kailash), I was wondering if you or Daya Ratna Shakya Bhaju can furnish me with some details. I am interested in knowing
1. the number of copies printed per issue 2. the cost of production of each issue 3. the total number of subscribers 4. Non-subscription sale per issue 5. Financial loss per issue , if any 6. Advertisements, Donations/Subsidies/grants from any donor or sources, Nepali or US, if any..
Apart from a regular flow of articles/papers/reviews of an acceptable standard and the time and energy to edit them and see through the actual printing process, the financial sustainability of a publication sets the last limits at the end of the day in the market economy.
I understand that from Nos 8 and 9 Daya Ratna Bhaju is handing over the editorial responsibilities to others. Has this move anything to do with the sustainability of the project?
Since an academic journal is a public domain I hope my curiosity, inspired by your essay, is not trespassing on any sensitive territory.
With kind personal greetings and best wishes,
Kamal P. Malla 22 Jan 2011 California USA ----- On Newah Bhaye Learner
A great initiative!
Bhanu Shrestha 02 Jan 2011 Piscastaway New Jersey USA -----
Thanks a lot for your hard work and timely commitment to bring the book out, I am indebted to you....1-1-11 day is auspicious for me.
Daya Ratna Shakya 02 Jan 2011 Portland Oregon USA -----
उगु हे ज्याझ्वलय् भाजु तुलाधरनं सिक्किमया करुणा देवी स्मारक धर्मार्थ गुथिपाखें पिका:गु भाजु दया शाक्यनं च्वयादीगु 'नेवा: भाय् लर्नर' नांगु सफू व 'नेवार्स इन सिक्किम' (डट ओ आर जी) नांगु वेब साइट नं विमोचन यानादिगु ख: l उगु वेब साइट सिक्किमया भाजु राजीव शङ्कर श्रेष्ठ या कुतलय् तयार जुगु ख: l
शंखधर सिरपा: ल:ल्हात संध्या टाइम्स 02 Jan 2011 ----- .....ज्याझ्वलय् समितिया नायः तुलाधरं करुणादेवी समारक धर्माथ गुथिया पिथनाय् च्वमि दया शाक्यं च्वयादीगु 'नेवाः भाय् लर्नस' सफूया उलेज्या यानादीगु खःसा वय्कलं हे नेवारस् इन सिक्किम ( नांया बेव साइट नं लञ्च यानादीगु खः । ज्याझ्वलय् सिक्किम सरकारया संस्कृति तथा धरोहर विभागया पुलांम्ह छ्याञ्जे राजीव शंकर श्रेष्ठया नं उपस्थिति दुगु खः ।...
नेपाल मण्डल डट कम 01 Jan 2011
On the Bakhan Daboo
I enjoyed reading the author’s recent visit to the Kathmandu Valley, which brings news to the world about the story of Bakhan Daboo. I could not agree more with the opinions stated here: “To achieve something new determined, the role of Stories is crucial. … From child to young hearts, old ones, everyone is charmed by stories. … Storyteller is the artistic creator and they can make devils fight each other to give a message that “Truth Triumphs” - Truth Prevails upon Everywhere! Stories are series of thoughts, a healthy creative conception.” In that regard, the activities of Bakhan Daboo are seen to be of positive value and praiseworthy. Please keep us posted with more information about their fund raising initiatives so that we can be of some help in their efforts. Happy New Year!
Suchitra Bdr. Shrestha 26 Dec 2010 San Antonio, Texas, USA ----- Many thanks for kindly posting me the latest update for your web page. Lately, I am trying to post a few new items on my web page. I have attached one that might interest you. I hope you will find it relevant.
Kamal P. Malla 19 Dec 2010 California ----- On Yomari Punhi
Your mail and the wishes have made my day! Not only am I basking in the warmth of your good wishes, but I also stand very interestingly educated. I had never heard of Yomari, I am also very happy about the long overdue recognition you and your work has received in the U.S. I hope some of your work is soon available in English too. Thanks again for your good wishes and please educate me about new things more often.
Rajen Bali 21 Dec 2010 Kolkata -----
Many thanks for giving space for Lumanti program on your website. Regards
Shashi Mahaju MATINA, London -----
Our Mha Puja Celebrations
Congratulatons for successful Mha Puja celebration programme. Yako Subhay
Krishna Chakhun Pasa Puchah Guthi UK, London -----
It looks great! Thank you very much =) Really appreciated. Regards, Neelam Pradhanaga President GuthiAustralia -----
...There is also room to modernize Newar dresses. Give it a thought. Your inputs are deeply appreciated.
Keshab C Pradhan Gangtok Sikkim -----
I am feeling proud to read that a road in Gangtok has been named after Late Rai Saheb Bhim Bahadur Pradhan. Salute and Glory to the great hero !
Maheswor Shrestha Kathmandu Nepal -----
We hope to read more and more from your gifted pen in the coming days. I have visited many times in This is marvelous initiative you have taken fitting to the age of the internet. I found the site very interesting. I went through all the pages, and read your writings. Especially, I found your article on the Chandra Nursery very useful. You have depicted the Nursery providing very informative views for the readers. This is a valuable article which tells how the Newar settlers in Sikkim contributed in the progress of Sikkim. The introduction of the Bhasa Sahitya page is a needed one indeed. I assume soon you are introducing Nepal Bhasa literature in this page.
With my warm regards to you and didi,
Bal Gopal Shrestha Oxford University UK -----
First of all congratulation (BHINTUNA) for lunching new web site, which I came to know through World Newah Organization. It is definitely one stone added in Newa activities. I expect we should work together for our ethnic-identity, culture, language, literature, and newa-religion. Our ancestor had worked a lot to enrich it and it's time to work by we people. I also know you may able to do a lot over there than Newa people in NEPALMANDAL as Nepal does not have any equality political system.
Binod Saymi (Aala) ----- I have realised you do not only dream but you are one who wants all dreams come true. Please accept my heartiest congratulations on the launch of the website I do hope you will continue your contribution to the society through this link. I wish you all the best.
Wish you a wonderful stay in the State. R.K. Pradhan President : Sikkim Newah Guthi -----
Congrats for launching the website Bidhan CP Pradhan Gangtok Sikkim -----
Best wishes.... Shashi Mahaju Chief Editor MATINA London -----
Congratulations for launching Karuna Guthi. I believe you will be able to make a difference especially in the area of preserving and promotion of Newah language, culture and identity of Newah. I wish you all the success and the best.
Bhintunamha Krishna Chakhun Pasa Puchah Guthi UK -----
Your web site is very informative. We appreciate your effort. Please inform any thing I can do for the site. I will post Layakoo to you.
Thanks for your kind courtesy. Nareshbir Shakya Kathmandu Nepal -----
Congratulations! Wish you all the best.
Samir Bahadur Shrestha Kathmandu Nepal -----
Congratulation for launching this historic Guthi on site, beautifully designed, which, of course, makes its globally popular not only among the Newars but also among the other communities. Again, congratulation for the designer too!
Wish all the best successful promotion of this site and hope in future it will update us about it activities with precious knowledge.
Sudeep Bahadur Shrestha PhD Student JNU New Delhi -----
Thank you for kindly posting me an update on your guthi's web-page. It is easy these days to launch one, but hard to sustain it with meaningful matter and substance of interest to visitors.Your experiences may serve as examples to others living in several parts of the world where our compatriots have lately moved in search of better life opportunities.Thanking you for this favour,
Sincerely, Kamal P. Malla Currently in California -----
Many thanks for the beautiful website "karunaguthi". I admire and appreciate your efforts very much.
Subhay, Rahena Wester Germany -----
Yes, I visited your excellent website. I hope it will enable us to know the conditions and activities, weals and woes of our brethren in India.
डा. दिवाकर प्रधान काशी हिन्दु विश्वविद्यालय, वाराणसी| ----- Congratulation. It's wonderful !
Bhanu Shrestha Piscataway, New Jersey, USA -----
Hi Dear all! Staying in Sikkim since long time and always thinking about our Newah community and paving path for our exceptionally marvellous culture is the great thing you are doing and for that we all Newah people are proud of your dedication. Wish you all the best.
Govinda Shrestha Calgary, Alberta Canada ----- CONGRATULATIONS. Wishing you all very best. Kalpana Pradhan SNG, Sikkim ----- Glad to know the events and efforts you are doing for Newa Cause.I feel the Newa living abroad need to keep contact with Newa in Nepal to be active for Newa cause. Narayan Krishna Singh ----- Thank you very much for the updated website :-) We appreciate your effort very much. Please keep it up and never give up. We need to make the members of our community conscious and repay the society to which we belong to.
Regards, Rahena Wester Germany
At the close of life, the question will be not how much have you got, but how much have you given; Not how much have you won, but how much have you done; Not how much have you saved, but how much you have sacrificed; How much have you loved and served, not how much were you honoured.