Season's Greetings
Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays!
Happy Yomari Punhi ! On this Great Day of our National Newar Festival we have the pleasure to announce the launch of Newars in Sikkim to share weal and woes & RajivaShankerShresta to speak his heart out websites very soon kindly bear with us and watch this space Today's Special Thinking local : Keeping our little world going on! If you love the life you live, you will live a life of love.
I shall do the Shraddha The New Year to usher in a New Decade पुस्तक संख्या संग्रह अभियान Books-in-Print Counting Drive When a father gives to his son, both laugh; when a son gives to his father, both cry.
Jewish Proverb |
Warm Welcome
to www.karunaguthi.com SILVER JUBILEE YEAR 1997 - 2022 celebrating 25 years dedicated A humble effort to pay back the society we belong to and owe so much too LET THERE BE LIGHT OF KNOWLEDGE EVERYWHERE ज्योत से ज्योत जलाते चलो प्रेम की गङ्गा बहाते चलो ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ जय स्मृति शोध ग्रन्थालय Jai Memorial Research Library proud to include in this UPDATE THINKING LOCAL Rajiva Shanker Shresta INDRAJATRA 2023 SIKKIM
Karuna Devi Smarak Dharmarth Guthi © 2010