Many may not still be knowing that the prolific litterateur of Nepali literary world Sharad Chhetri is no more amidst us and I too could not believe my ears when another eminent writer friend of mine Gupta Pradhan of Darjeeling broke me the tragic news on the 5th July morning! That day little busy writing, I had not checked the e-mail and read e-paper Himalaya Darpan otherwise I would have known this sad news earlier. Gupta informed that Sharad was in Siliguri in the ICU of the Mitra's Nursing Home where he had breathed his last the previous morning itself and the news was shocking making me nonplussed. I soon sent a sms to his brother Subhash with condolence message to the bereaved family and posted the news on my Facebook.
Sharad Chhetri (born 1947-2012 Darjeeling), an eminent writer better known for his short stories that earned him sobriquet, Kathaka Kamdhenu (goldmine of stories) but he was also a poet, essayist, dramatist and critic. He has 32 books to his credit. He was awarded Bhanubhakta Puraskar (West Bengal 1986), Sahitya Akademi Award (New Delhi 1986) and Ratnashree Gold Medal (Kathmandu 1988) for his stories in the Chakrvyuha (1985). He has been felicitated and interviewed often. His works appear in newspapers and periodicals regularly and many have been translated into Hindi, Bangla, Assamese, Telegu, Oriya besides English.
Dhiraj Pradhan, Meghraj Gurung, Gopi Chandra Pradhan and Rajiva Shanker Shresta are also seen in the picture above.