As I read the message this morning to share with you all, “I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them.” by Ian Fleming why not me too come out with my ideas with “The Decade of the Newah People” which Tribhuvan Tuladhar proposed from WNO.
The Power of One make me believe that since we cannot devote to all the family, I should start with my own well taking the adage that the Charity begins at home. We know home is where your heart is and also that each member of your home adds up to make the family and each family together become the society. Here if you try to understand the role and contribution of a single person, single home, single family, single society and single community that make the country, you can well understand what I mean to share with you all – the Power of One. Era gone by and the one we are in as well can give you in proof ample to support my view. Some may think that we should not waste time thinking of the past and to bask in its glory but why should we not as that was the achievement our predecessors had, to reach us all this far. Somewhere we have been way laid or due to our own lethargy, unconsciousness or even failure, we have come to this point of disappointment unrealized! No, instead we should have this sunny side up to see light on the other end of the tunnel to come out of and to be there motivated and inspired coming together towards brighter future!
God could not be everywhere, so we have a mother in each family. Mother, who gave you birth with the right and liberty to be on this earth and we try to bloom where we are planted. Once you are here – some come early and some late and leave too. Then why should we not identify ourselves with our date of birth or your age when within a group – the first thing people would be interested to know after your name and what you do for living. You can not be hiding the bowl when begging the help!
Once agreed, we should now try coming out more for coming together in this world. There may be two worlds trying to be one like some countries in recent past merged themselves united to make the history changed. Why should we not try coming here too together to make it so by sharing what we are made of and believe in. What have your activities been back home in your own little world before and now where you are located so that we need not waste time just in case, someone from the group has already devotedly and dedicated achieved thus far. Take a lesson and start from where we should proceed further at individual and also at group level. We have done it, if proof be needed - better for himself, his family, group and the society dedicated to the land we belong to or have our roots well embedded deep inside difficult to uproot!
And the World is not yours only, you are here to share even the road we travel though you can reach new horizon treading a path different. You have to return to the same path and road that took you there. Else you may be lost reach home, I believe. Let us try to understand that there is yet another world and you are trying reach them too. Then why not be together share it all – to the extent you wish too. As it is the matter of your choice, you have the freedom of choice and the liberty your own.
Age matters much - much similar to the road we traveled - and the wise say that old is gold and we cherish the days how we reached this treasure of gold!
Having said that much, may I now put forward before my learned friends that I am now getting together trying coming together as we are better together. I propose to compile the achievement in the past and present, individually or jointly, young and old, old and new, dead and alive everyone who wish to be with me will have definitely to share with me all these information but to be kept for myself. This little kind gesture of yours would help me reaching together where we are or heading towards. Big a task but definitely not difficult, if we are together for the greater cause we are all dedicated to. We - each of us - have done much and excelled in our own little way in the little world of our own that might have taken you and your own family long way to reach you where you are. Had each of them been a little shared with the society we live in and belong to and owe much too then one who may try to be above all may not have to be in a question that would not definitely be within the zone called or deemed comfortable and that too when you are in a huge crowd of your own people. Only the God is above all.
Each of us has to reach there above once - sooner or later whether you wish or not - as that is the ultimate we are all here born and live a life of your own. Try different reaching the goal easiest and safest you feel and find but do not way laid your people or be so yourself. We can fool a few people for some time, some people for all the time but not all the people for all the time.
So, let us be together and try coming together getting together for we are better together and for the better, of course. Even for a change for the change as each of us and all of us wish to achieve and be there in order to reach above all. Sky is the limit there above all!
Newar First and to Excel Always!
Newar better Together!!